UPDATES: NEW CHANGES IN Subclass 485 visa (Temporary Graduate Visa) for Filipinos

Temporary Graduate Visa Subclass 485

December 3, 2020

There are SOME GOOD changes in Subclass 485!!!

On 19 September, yesterday – the Department of Home Affairs issued some important changes in the Migration Act and Migration Regulations:

Why do we need Migration Amendment (COVID-19 Concessions)Regulations 2020?

If you can recall – there are thousands of people –especially Filipino international students who went home for a holiday just before COIVD happened. Unfortunately, these group of people were unable to comeback to Australia due to COVID 19 pandemic, border closures and some other economic restrictions. For them not to be disadvantaged (just because they are offshore) and ensure that they still enjoy their eligibility rights for Subclass 485, this amendment was introduced.

What are the changes in Subclass 485?

✅ 1. Establishment of the initial concession period which begins on 01 February 2020 - This means that those who are outside Australia from 01 February 2020 but eligible to lodge an application that requires them to be onshore can now lodge an application even though they are offshore. The end date of the concession period is not yet determined.

✅ 2. Visa eligibility requirements - Before this amendment – you are not allowed to apply for SC 485if you are offshore –But now – with the amendment – international students are now allowed to apply for post study visa (subclass 485) even if they are outside of Australia during the concession period. And this visa can now granted while the applicant is offshore. This means that former international students can now obtain a visa to return to Australia when travel restrictions are lifted. The visa period will start from the date of entry, not from the date of approval.

✅ 3. Removal of the usual requirement to have held a student visa within the six-month period immediately before making an application. This means that if you are outside of Australia during the concession period, but your student visa has expired but would have been eligible for a SC 485, if not for COIVD19 - you can now be lodged Subclass 485.

✅ 4. Extension of the period to meet the Australian Study Requirement from 6 months to 12 months for applicants prevented from returning to Australia due to COVID 19 travel restrictions. This means that the six months window – the period between completing study and applying for the Subclass 485 that was required for a student to apply for SC485 is now extended to 12 months.

So – you know what to do…. If you need help or visa assistance – contact US and we’ll be happy to help.

December 3, 2020